A downloadable game for Windows

A short endless platformer game.

Jump and climb your way to new heights before the rising water catches up in this short game the objective is simple with a basic game loop where you can try and beat your score as the water gradually gets faster and faster. 


Movement - WASD or Arrow Keys

Fast Drop - S or Down Arrow Key

Run - Shift


EndlessElevationBuild.zip 635 MB


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Cool, nice visuals. 

Decent soundtrack.

Glad to see an options menu. 

Not sure what you mean by short endless runner? Those words cancel each other out. 

Would be nice to see your previous high score and how much you beat it by(If you beat it obviously) on the game over screen.

Jump height feels a little bit inconsistent at times(could just be a skill issue on my part). 

Feels like the run is not needed and messes you up more then it helps you(again could just be a skill issue on my part).

Is there any story to the game? Why is there rising water? 

Thank you for the feedback, I agree with these points. I went with the "short" as throughout development I had ended up having to deal with the rising water causing issues with pacing at some points it was too fast and other times too slow. If I had the time I would of balanced that out more as I feel like the difficulty curve was noticeable fast which kind of ruined the "endless" theme to it.

As for the inconsistent Jumping It may be something I overlooked and could of tweaked some more as some of the platforms may of been difficult to reach due to the randomly generated walls I may not of seen every outcome to see what I could of balanced. 

I originally planned to have a saved high score but didn't get time to add it, I may do an update at some point to add these changes in and make the game feel overall better and hopefully try to address some of the feedback points you have given me.